Town of Greenwich

Town Hall
101 Field Point Road
Greenwich, CT 06830
(203) 622-7700
First Selectman: Fred Camillo
Town Initiatives
Pay As You Throw
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The FY2020-2021 Budget presented many challenges to our Town, including drastic increases in waste removal and recycling costs. To mitigate the impact, the First Selectman’s FY2020-2021 Budget includes a Pay As You Throw (PAYT) system for waste management. This page is intended to be a one-stop-shop for PAYT. Below you will find information and documentation related to PAYT. We update this page with new information and documents throughout the budget process.
Key Takeaways
- Taxpayers currently pay about $3.7million per year to have trash transported from Holly Hill Transfer Station to an incinerator. Residents and businesses have no control over their direct trash costs. Good recyclers and people who produce little trash are forced to subsidize people who don’t recycle and properties that produce lots of trash.
- Waste disposal costs continue to rise and, starting in the upcoming fiscal year, the Town will also have to pay (for the first time) to have recycling removed from Holly Hill.
- Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) is the best solution, recommended by both the EPA and CT DEEP, for reducing trash and saving taxpayers money. There are over 500 PAYT communities in New England. Data shows the program is extremely effective – in Massachusetts alone communities with PAYT produce 65% less trash per household than communities without.
- How would this work? Starting October 1, 2020, instead of throwing trash away in regular trash bags, residents and businesses would use an official Town trash bag, available for purchase at retail locations throughout town. The price of the official Town bag is based directly on the expense the Town pays to have trash incinerated. This gives everyone personal control over their direct trash cost – just like water, electric, cable, and all utilities. Reduce your trash, reduce your cost! Other than switching trash bags, everything else stays the same.
- PAYT has strong financial benefits for Greenwich taxpayers because it reduces total trash & ends current subsidies, as well as proven significant benefits for the environment.
Food Scrap Recycling is Coming to Greenwich!
For updates and more information visit:
Food scraps are one of the largest components of our waste stream in Connecticut, making up more than 22% of municipal solid waste, according to CT DEEP. This is up from 13.5% in 2010.
The drop-off food scrap recycling pilot will be voluntary and free to all Greenwich residents. It’s easy!
1. COLLECT your food scraps in a kitchen collection container. Although not required, you may line the container with a compostable or paper bag - please no plastic bags. Unknotted bags are preferable. Compostable bags are available for purchase (25 bags for $2/roll) at Greenwich Green & Clean by appointment only (203-531-0006). If purchased elsewhere, bags must be BPI certified.
2. TRANSFER food scraps from the countertop pail once full to a larger bin for weekly storage. Most residents will fill the countertop pail 3-4 times per week. This larger bin can also be used for transportation of food scraps to Holly Hill. Anything that holds around 5-6 gallons and has a lid will work. It is recommended that food storage bins be kept indoors – either in the house or in the garage.
3. BRING your transportation bin to the Food Scrap Recycling drop-off site at Holly Hill to dispose of your food scraps as often as needed.
The Food Scrap Recycling drop is located at the Holly Hill Resource Recovery Facility. The drop-off site is open during hours of operation (Monday-Friday 7am-2:30pm; Saturday 7am-noon). There is no charge to drop off food scraps, but you must have a permit available at Holly Hill to use the facility.
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